Saturday, November 13, 2004

Is This Why the Church is Weak?

Last night at our twice-monthly Wednesday Night "LIFE" group gathering, we discussed many things. Derrell brought up the idea of vocation or calling and how the church of the present seems to have overlooked, in its message, the emphasis on the call of God to the individual.

Call means vision. Vision means bigger than me. Bigger than me means I am pulled forward by something ahead of me, something drawing me to a higher, more noble purpose.

As a young man coming up in Christ in the early 1970's, I remember reading several books that laid out this theme. One of them was Ultimate Intention by DeVern Fromke. Another was Calvary Road by Roy Hession. There were others as well.

Do today's young believers understand these themes?

Perhaps this is, in part, why the church is weak.


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