Wednesday, April 19, 2006

on Emergent

I have been following (very casually) the Emergent church movement. I confess that I do not know a great deal about it yet. But I know enough to believe that I should be alert to possible danger. In my effort to learn more, I have found so far, three substantive sources. The sources I link to below are outside of the movement looking in, and write from a perspective that appears to be similar to mine.
  • A Slice of Laodicea is probably the most outspoken against the movement.
  • Paul W. Martin, a pastor located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada presented a paper on the movement at a local pastor's conference: Examining Emergent
  • Phillip Johnson, a pastor who has close ties to John MacArthur of the radio program, Grace to You, delivered a message at the 2006 Shepherd's Conference at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley California in March of 2006. His message is titled Absolutely Not!
Admittedly, each of these links are to sites where the authors have serious problems with the Emergent church movement. But I'm trying my best to be fair. I have reserved Brian McLaren's book, A Generous Orthodoxy, at the library. When it becomes available, I plan to read it.

I'll post my review of it here when I'm done.


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