Monday, October 08, 2007

Advancing Forward: Part I

As I take small steps to move more fully into my call, I have devised a preliminary approach. The tools that I have been given and the tools I hope to impart are idea-based. Developing a comprehensive Biblical Worldview involves a lifetime of learning. A Worldview is a way of thinking. It is not only a view "of" the world, but a view "for" the world as well. In other words, it defines not only where we are, but also where we need to be.

At our church retreat mentioned in a previous posting, I heard God speaking the name "Bridge-Builder" to me. I see myself building a bridge "for all who wish to cross over from the despair and frustration of watching our once-Christian nation disinegrate into the dust ..." What follows are several components in that bridge.

The first component of the "bridge" I hope to build will be to explore and examine the idea of culture from a Biblical perspective. Culture is God's idea. I believe that our part in God's creation is to subdue the earth, to manage creation, and bring all things into subjection to Christ. This should be done solely for the glory of God. I believe that the elements of culture are manifold and that the best of culture is reflected in Plato's triad of "goodness, truth, and beauty." The Church, in my view, has become fixated on redemption and sanctification, neglecting creation. My first goal will be to teach others that creation (and thus culture) is important to God.

The second component of the "bridge" will be a study of the nations in God's plan. God created the nations, confusing languages and scattering people across the globe in response to Babel's offensive "one-world-government" tower. God set boundaries so that men would strive against one another and be compelled to seek him (Acts 17:24-28). God is Lord of the nations, yet the nations "rage" and imagine "vain things." He is the judge of nations, and any reader of the prophets will quickly see that God speaks to all nations, not just his special nation of Israel.

The third component of the "bridge" will be to explore and examine our particular nation in history and in God's plan. Is America truly "exceptional" and does it have a special and unique purpose in God's plan? Toward this end I want to teach on America's unique history, its Providential beginnings, its roots in the Protestant Reformation, and its rise to become the world's leader.

The fourth component of the "bridge" will be an in-depth examination of the very specific principles and ideals, drawn from Scripture, which make our nation what it is. I believe that I can clearly demonstrate, by comparing Scripture to both our nation's historical record, and our most important institutions, that America is indeed a nation built upon Godly principles and ideals.

The next "bridge" component will be an examination of the decline of America's historical greatness, and the reasons for it. Among the topics will be our failures and their consequences, and our recent "buying in" to ideals and philosophies that spring from hellish origins.

The last component to this bridge will be an examination of the questions, "Is America worth saving?" and "What can we do?"

Please understand that this brief outline is just "off the cuff." I am only in the very early stages of thinking and developing my approach and will likely make modifications as things unfold. In addition to these themes and topics I want to also teach on more purely Biblical themes such as Covenant, Moses' wilderness tabernacle, and the kingdom of God and nature of earthly authority, among others.

I envision each of these "bridge" components being one or more four-week modules delivered via weekly, evening classes in my home. Some themes may require multiple four-week modules.

Note that my primary mission field is the Body of Christ. As God's people we are quite anemic in the area of vision for culture. Our leaders have failed us. We do not yet grasp the big picture, and are held back by Worldviews touted in books like those in the "Left Behind" series (I hate those books, they have weakened the work of furthering God's kingdom in the here and now). This rapture/escape mentality has grossly undermined the Church and its role among the nations. "Surrender to the inevitable" end-time, eschatological thinking is so prevalent among Christians that many believe fighting for America is as foolish as rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Thus I will also be teaching on topics such as dualism, gnosticism, and syncretism on the loose in the present-day church.

Still holding your interest? Or have I scared you away?


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