Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Myth of Multiculturalism

America's journey down the road toward multiculturalism leads to a cliff.

Before you throw up your hands in disgust and write me off as another racist, xenophobic, close-minded, right-wing religious nut, ask yourself a simple question:

What is culture?

For our purposes we will limit the exploration of the word's meaning to a "set of learned beliefs, values and behaviors—the way of life shared by the members of a society."

The word "culture" stems from the Latin word cultura which finds its roots in the word "worship." At the heart of every culture is who or what the people of a culture worship.

Archaeological findings from ancient cultures demonstrate the central role of religion in national life since the beginning of time. The ancient Egyptians, primarily a farming culture, worshipped many gods, each representing a different part of the nature that was so much a part of their daily lives: Ra, the sun god; Tefnut, the god of rain; Seb, god of the earth; and Nat, goddess of the sky.

The Greeks also gave obeisance to a variety of gods. The list is long, but here are a few: Zeus and Poseidon—nature; Apollo—music, prophecy, poetry, archery; Dionysus—wine, festivals, merriment; Aphrodite—love, lust, beauty; Ares—war, murder, bloodshed.

Although these ancient cultures worshipped many gods, their gods collectively represented their core beliefs. Each of their "small g" gods embodied an element of life that held significance for their singular culture. These ancient communities were not multicultural. They had one religion consisting of numerous deities, each with limited power. But together, these deities incorporated the whole.

In constrast, the ancient Hebrews worshipped one, all-powerful God who they believed had revealed Himself at various times, in various ways, to various people. Their primary source of knowledge of God came from the Pentateuch, what we know today as the first five books of the Old Testament. But on many occasions throughout the history of ancient Israel, we see a straying from the worship and obedience to the God of the Pentateuch, and an embracing of the gods of neighboring cultures: Dagon, the chief Phillistine god; Baal, the Caananite god; Ashtoreth, god of the Phoenicians; Chemosh, god of the Moabites.

Whenever the Israelites abandoned the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, they fell prey to the myth of multiculturalism. They believed that they could have things both ways. They wanted God's blessings to continue while they disobeyed His commands.

But their frequent experimenting with other religions always took them to the edge of a cliff. And sometimes they tumbled over the side to their deaths.

Throughout the world, many countries, especially western nations, include a "state religion" as a central component of their nationhood. Denmark, Iceland, Norway, and Finland recognize the Lutheran Church as their official "state religion." Great Britain long ago established Anglicanism as theirs, and many of the cantons (states) of Switzerland list the Reformed faith as theirs. Likewise, most Middle Eastern nations recognize Islam as their official "state religion."

The historic success of American culture rests largely upon its Judeo-Christian foundation. For generations, Americans embraced the idea that we were a Christian nation. Though made up of Christians from many streams, from mainstream Protestant, to Evangelical and Pentecostal, to Catholic and Orthodox, we rested secure in the knowledge that on Sunday mornings it was Jesus Christ being worshipped almost universally from Boston to San Diego, from Miami to Seattle.

Whether English, Scottish, Irish, Dutch, German, Scandanivian, French, Italian, Greek, Polish, or Czech, we knew that America was first and foremost a Christian nation. We brought with us our unique sub-cultural flavors, but we embraced America first, and did not find offense in its rudimentary, Christian quintessence.

And yet, neither of our nation's two founding documents (the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution) mention Jesus Christ, or even name God directly. By the time our nation's founders sat down to craft the constitution that would form and govern our new nation, many Christian faiths were represented throughout the thirteen colonies. But our nation's founders purposefully determined not to make Christianity our "state religion."

Historian Sydney Ahlstrom, in his work titled, A Religious History of the American People, dubs America from it's beginnings in the early 1600's to the Civil War era of the mid-1800's, as The Protestant Empire. Protestant Christianity has been, and remains, the primary religious component of our republic. In generations past, White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs) dominated America's cultural landscape. For the first 171 years of American history, we did not elect one Catholic to our nation's highest office. Not until John F. Kennedy took the oath of office in 1961 did we put a non-Protestant man in the White House. And we have not elected a non-Protestant since. Out of our 43 presidents to date, 42 of them have been Protestants.

Through the years, those on the outside of this dominant Protestant circle (Catholics and Jews) learned to bear the sometimes-inflicted stigma of being non-Protestant in a Protestant land. Blacks and native Americans however bore the almost insufferable burden of being labeled by many as "sub-human." Thus, even in the midst of the God-rendered blessings of liberty and prosperity, our "Protestant Empire" became tarnished and stained by our unChristian treatment of those not like us.

Despite the abominable actions of some in our past, our Christian nation remained strong and secure from its inception through WWII. Yet bubbling beneath the surface, a cauldron of atheistic, hedonistic, and socialistic unrest threatened to erupt.

United for generations by our mutually-embraced Christian faith, we began to slowly gravitate toward the conduits of popular culture to define our Americanness. Film, radio, telelvision and youthful music began to unite Americans in a new way. The Civil Rights Movement arrived in our homes via our televisions, while our movies began to portray the darker side of American history. Racial unrest in many of our nation's urban areas, and social unrest among our youth, opened wide a crack in our Christian civilization. The bubbling, godless cauldron beneath the surface broke through and began gushing across the landscape.

Those promoting godlessness and secularism employed our own shame and embarassment to weaken our resolve, using the unsightly components of our own history against us. Faced with the ugly reality of some of our Christian forbears' unseemly conduct, and the guilt and shame it produced, many Christians shrunk back from defending our Christian heritage.

Into the breach swept the new false religions of atheism, socialism, materialism, moral relativism, political correctness, humanism, Darwinism, narcissism, radical feminism, hedonism, and nihilism (love of death). These are the gods we wrestle with today, the gods who are turning our nation from a thriving Christian culture, into a multicultural mess of self-worshipping heathenism.

Blogger Baron Bodissey of Gates of Vienna expresses so well what I have been trying to articulate in The Greatest Betrayal in History:

"What we are dealing with in the Western world is demographic warfare closely aligned with psychological warfare, aimed at breaking down our self-confidence and self-awareness to the point where our technological superiority is rendered useless because we are ashamed of ourselves or incapable of articulating what we should fight for. Sun Tzu in The Art of War said that wars are won in the temples before they are fought. The mass media are the temples of our time, which means that we are currently losing badly."

Hatred of America is now widely promoted in our schools and in our media. In many places within our own borders, America has become something to loath and despise. Consider the recent remarks by presidential candidate, Barak Obama:

"And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Without pride in our nation and culture, we will not rise to defend them. Indeed we will likely assist in their destruction either by direct action, or by doing nothing.

Multiculturalism, the false idea that a nation can serve many gods at once, will be the end of America.

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