Sunday, March 22, 2009

Emails to My Congressman

I sent two emails to my Congressman, Frank Wolf. A Republican, and normally fairly conservative on most things, he went off the reservation with HR1586, the bill passed by the House to tax the recipients of AIG bonuses at 90%.

If he responds, I'll post his response.

First email, sent Thursday March 19th:

Congressman Wolf,

I cannot for the life of me understand what could have possible motivated you to vote YEA on HR1586. Do you really believe that a group of people should be (or even can be) singled out for punishment by the U.S. government?

I understand that the bonus money these people received was funded by the taxpayers. And that in itself was stupid to begin with. But these folks had contracts with their corporation. Contracts were honored. But now you clowns step up and pull a grandstanding stunt like this. It's theater. And few are falling for this crap anymore.

It's disgraceful.

Our Constitution prohibits "Bills of Attainder," or trial by the legislature. And that's what HR1586 appears to be. What's next, singling out people (like me) who don't believe in all the global warming hype?

Mr. Wolf, I have always respected you and voted for you. But sir, you really blew it this time. With this move, you have grown closer to being a part of that group we working people have become sick of. And I am sad to see it.

Mark W. Weaver

Second email, sent Friday March 20th:

Congressman Wolf,

I have had 24 hours now to consider your vote on HR1586. I am even angrier than I was yesterday. I expected better judgment from you. You apparently got yourself ensnared in the mob mentality and swept away by the hysteria.

A few words and phrases come to mind: bedlam; chaos; reactionary; unconstitutional; Kabuki theater; circus clowns; PMS; tyranny of the majority; frenzied; knee jerk.

You people in Congress need to calm down. The more laws you make, the worse things get. Can you guys just shut things down and go home for a few months? Years?

Most of us living and working outside the Beltway are reeling from the idiocy on display in Washington. Please snap out of it.

Mark W. Weaver

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Pledge

President Obama is asking Americans to pledge their support to his plans and programs. Now at first blush, such a campaign might seem innocuous. But underneath, something sinister is in the air.

Mr. Obama appears to be continuing his campaign, using the community organizing methods of Saul Alinsky and other Marxist thugs. Our president is not asking for us to pledge allegiance to the flag, or the republic for which it stands. He is asking Americans to make a pledge to support his policies. Never in United States history has any president been so brazen and bold in his quest for personal allegiance.

Consider these facts.
This is frightening.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tea Party

The Tea Party movement is growing.

Tea Parties are happening all across the country. So far, it looks like six separate Tax Day Party events are planned in Virginia, two in Maryland, and even one in DC at Lafayette Park. For more information about the Tax Day Tea Party, click on the picture at left.

The leadership for this movement is not coming from the usual places. No elected Republican official stepped up to lead in fact,

"…the first Tea Party was organized in Seattle, Washington by a 29-year-old blogger no one ever heard of before."

So, it's up to us, folks, everyday Americans, the ones who go to work every day, pay their bills, pay their taxes (ie: the ones who actually make this country work).

There's even a song trumpeting the movement, now, penned and performed by conservative artist, Lloyd Marcus.

American Tea Party by Lloyd Marcus

Mr President!
Your stimulus is sure to bust
Its just a socialistic scheme
The only thing it will do
Is kill the American Dream

You wanna take from achievers
Somehow you think that’s fair.
And redistribute to those folks
Who won’t get out of their easy chair.

We’re havin’ a tea party across this land
If you love this country
Come on and join our band
We’re standin’ up for freedom and liberty
Cause patriots have shown us freedom ain’t free

So when they call you a racist cause you disagree
It just another of their dirty tricks to silence you and me.
I believe in the Constitution and all it stands for.
Anyone who tramples it should be booted out the door.

We’re havin’ a tea party across this land
If you love this country
Come on and join our band
We’re standin’ up for freedom and liberty
Cause patriots have shown us freedom ain’t free

Now we’re not advocating violence
That’s what the so-called peace crowd do
We’re talkin’ peaceful protest to defend the red, white and blue

We gotta vote out these clowns who don’t love the USA
Who stay up late loosing sleep fearing what the French might say

We’re havin’ a tea party across this land
If you love this country
Come on and join our band
We’re standin’ up for freedom and liberty
Cause patriots have shown us freedom ain’t free

We’re havin’ a tea party across this land
If you love this country
Come on and join our band
We’re standin’ up for freedom and liberty
Cause patriots have shown us freedom ain’t free

Freedom ain’t free
(Stand up for America)
Freedom ain’t free
(Gotta take a stand)
Freedom ain’t free
(Mr Obama)
Freedom ain’t free
(we work hard for our money)
Freedom ain’t free
(Don’t give it away)
Freedom ain’t free
(Save the day)
Freedom ain’t free
(Don’t go givin’ it away)
Freedom ain’t free
(It ain’t gonna work)
Freedom ain’t free
(Give back our freedom)
Freedom ain’t free
(Give back our liberty)
Freedom ain’t free
(I love my country)
(fade out)

Sunday, March 01, 2009

I'm Back

After a several month hiatus, I am back. Of course, probably a very few even noticed I was gone ...

A lot has changed in my four month absence. A nation leaning towards socialism is now careening towards it full bore. "Pedal to the metal" as they say.

The first few weeks of our new president's administration has confirmed my fears. He is even more radical than I expected him to be. And much more incompetent. Here are a few links to the thoughts of others that have helped me to understand this man who is now the leader of the free world:
Anyway, Obama is clearly a leftist. I don't think there is any doubt, now.